Medios de transporte en español- Means of transportation in Spanish


This material is designed to help kids whose mother tongue is different from Spanish to learn basic vocabulary about means of transportation in Spanish. The material is ideal for kids among 4 to 6 years old. They will be able to develop writing and reading skills. This material includes written activities, games and interactive activities in .pptx.



This material is designed to help kids whose mother tongue is different from Spanish to learn basic vocabulary about means of transportation in Spanish. The material is ideal for kids among 4 to 6 years old. They will be able to develop writing and reading skills.

Means of transportation material in Spanish includes the following exercises:

  • Means of transportation Poster.
  • Trace the word for each picture.
  • Fill in the missing vowel.
  • Look at the picture and write the correct word in the empty space.
  • Cut and paste in the empty spaces the right picture for each word.
  • Cut and paste in the empty spaces the right word for each picture.
  • Cut and paste in the empty spaces the picture and the right word.
  • Look at the pictures, read the letters, then write the letters in order to make the word.
  • Trace each word and match it to the correct picture.
  • Match each image to the correct word.
  • Fill in the missing vowel in each word and match it to the correct picture.
  • Look at the letters and write the correct word in the empty column, then match each word to the correct picture.
  • Circle the right word for each picture.
  • Read the word and circle the right picture.
  • Flashcards.
  • Memory Game.
  • Domino.
  • See the image and find and circle the right word.
  • Find and cover.
  • Select the letters that are needed to complete the word, then write the word in the empty space.
  • I have, Who has? game.
  • Posters about means of transportation by air, by land and by sea.
  • Cut and paste the pictures, according to the right mean of transportation.
  • Write the right word according to the mean of transportation image.
  • Sentence builder with “verbo ir”.
  • Spot it! (only images)
  • Spot it! (only words)
  • Interactive exercises in pptx:
  • ¿Cuál es la (el) …?
  • ¿Qué es esto?

Target Vocabulary: el auto, el autobús, el camión, el avión, el globo, la bicicleta, la moto, el tren, el submarino, el velero, el barco, el helicóptero.


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