Telling the time in Spanish in many countries from Latin America is quite different from the way it is said in Spain. However, materials to teach the time in Spanish are designed for kids to learn the time as it is said in Spain and some countries from Latin America, such as Argentina.
That’s the reason I decided to design a material focused on telling the time in many countries from Latin America instead of Spain.
The material is ideal for kids among 4 to 6 years old. They will be able to develop writing and reading skills.
Kids should already know numbers in Spanish and how to say the time in their mother tongue.
Now, I will show you what you can find in this pack to teach the Time in Spanish from Latin America.
This poster is in A4, but teachers can change the printer settings to print it in a different size to have a bigger version of it.

Memory Games
In this pack, one can select from a memory game with analog clocks and a memory game with digital clocks.

There are two versions of domino: one with analog clocks and another one with digital clocks.

Read and Cover
This activity again has two versions, but this time version 1 shows the written time and students should cover each time with the right digital clock. In version 2, digital clocks are shown and they have to be covered with the right phrase.

¿Qué hora es? – Cut and Paste Activities
Cut and paste activities where added to this learning pack. Again, there is a version with analog clocks and other version with digital clocks.

Write the correct time
This exercise is divided into two parts. The student writes the right time according to the clock. Then, mark each sentence in the bottom of the page with the right number from the previous exercise.

Copy and paste the right clock
In this exercise, students will cut and paste the right clock in the correct empty space.

Do you want to start teaching kids Spanish as a foreign language?
Subscribe to Dasbeth Online Languages and get a free pack to teach kids basic vocabulary about animals, colors and numbers in Spanish language.
I Spy The Time
I create two exercises based on the game I spy. This time, there is a version with analog clocks and another one with digital clocks.

I have…Who has…?
In this game, students may practice oral skills when telling the time. It can be used in small groups.

¿Qué hora es? – Read, cut and paste and write the time
In this exercise, students will develop reading and writing skills. Students must first read aloud the time given in the clock, then shoul cut and paste the pieces to create the right sentence to tell the time. Finally, students should write the previous sentence.

Bingo is another game ideal to practice how to tell the time. In this pack, I’ve included two different versions. Here you can see the cards of both versions.

Spot-it/Dobble to tell the time in Spanish
With this game, students can work in groups to tell the right time in both cards. this time, students will work with the time as shown in digital clocks.

¿Qué hora es? – Interactive exercise
This exercise is a Power Point presentation, in which students should select the right phrase according to the clock shown.

Son las…/Es la…-Interactive exercise 2
This second interactive exercise in Power Point shows in each slide a sentence and the student has to choose the right clock.

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