When I read Go, dog. Go! for the first time, I enjoyed a lot the reading, and found that it was easy for my daughters to understand the story. Then, after reading more carefully, I thought that this book would be an excellent resource to teach colors, prepositions of place and phrasal verbs with “go” verb. So, I decided to create a product to help teachers to teach these topics when using the book with their EFL/ESL students. The book is ideal for small kids or for kids who begining to learn English as a foreign language or as a second language.
This material includes the following exercises:
- Exercises to practice color
- Exercises to practice phrasal verbs with go
- Sentence building exercises
- Where is the dog (aditional exercises)
Exercises to practise colors
In the the first exercise to learn colors, students must cut and paste each picture in the correct place.

In the second exercise to learn colors, students must cut and paste in the blank spaces the right description.

In the third exercise to learn colors, students must write in the empty spaces the right phrase according to the color of the dog. You can ask your students to match the color of the word with the color of the dog, as seen in the example.

In the fourth and last exercise to learn colors, students must color each dog according to the corresponding description below each image.

Exercises to practice phrasal verbs with go
In the first exercise to practice phrasal verbs with go, students must cut and paste in the epty spaces the right phrasal verb.

In the second exercise to practice phrasal verbs with go, students cut and paste each picture in the empty space, according to the right phrasal verb.

In the third exercise to practice phrasal verbs with go, students write in the empty spaces the right phrasal verb.

Exercises to recognice prepositions
To practice prepositions of place that are read in the book, students look at the picture, color the correct preposition and write the correct sentence.
To practice prepositions of place that are read in the book, students look at the picture, color the correct preposition and write the correct sentence.

Sentence building exercises
To learn how to build exercises related to the book Go, Gog. Go! Students look at the image, the cut the cards and paste them in the correct place. As a last step, students write the correct sentece previously created.

Where is the dog (aditional exercises)
I created three more exercises to help students identify where the dog is. As previous exercises, students will cut, paste an write.
In the first exercises from this part, students cut and paste each sentence in the correct place.

In the following exercise, students write the correct sentence below each picture.

In the last exercise from this section and this material, students cut and paste the correct picture above the corresponding description.

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